Wot matchmaking beeinflussen

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Internal modules or crew members have no armour and thus will always get hit if any between potential is left in the shell. I chaffee on my BC to take a hit when I goof up. View range is wot matchmaking beeinflussen. Aiming Circle The aiming circle also called the dispersion circle, dispersion indicator or reticle describes the area of 2 standard deviations 2σ from your aim ring. Accuracy and Dispersion Standard Deviation Diagram Every shot you take is dispersed randomly around the center of your aiming reticle, i. This rule may not apply, when the server is low populated.

Matchmaking Matchmaking The composition of tanks in each team is a task of matchmaker. It works in following manner. It takes one tank from the queue and looks at his tier. For example it is IS - russian heavy with tier 7. The matchmaker takes the corresponding line from the table below and sees that the IS has battle tiers from 7 till 9. Randomly is the tier for battle selected. In our example let it be 8 from 7 to 9 incl. The matchmaker takes tanks from queue, which can participate in tier 8 battles see column number 8 in the table and puts them in 2 teams. In our battle we can face Tiger II and for example M6 both can participate in tier 8 battles. There are 12 battle tiers. In the tier 12 battles you will have only tanks from 10 tier and some light scouts from lower tiers. Some players are confusing battle tiers with tank tiers. This values must not be the same. The matchmaker resolves battle tier on the basis of table below. It doesn't try to weigh the tank tiers in both teams. Some tanks have exclusive battle tiers, you can find the in lower half of a table. VIC PzKpfw I 3 M3 Lend-Lease LTP BT-SV PzKpfw II ausf. Now back on Tier 8 EU and its the same... This recent run of high tiers matches my past experience. It had never occurred to me that the MM would be intentionally rigged - but the posts suggest it is to motivate gold. Pretty shitty if you ask me - intentionally making the game a shooting gallery for higher tiers with lower tiers struggling to pen unless they pay. So, that's mean a T-V stock tank with shitty crew can encounter a T-VII top tank with elite crew and one or two achevied habilities... For sure, that's good for the player who have que T-VII tank, but for the other, it's endless boring. Nevertheless, I still see daily complaints in the chat. Mostly from players with a win rate below 48% - I leave WN8 out. It is always easier to blame the external circumstances than to work on oneself. And this one comment I read; there was mention of unbalanced teams, for my opinion that is hapening very rarely. Maybe like one of twenty games. Games like 3heavys, 4td, 6meds nd 2lights vs. You just have to know two keywords. This page is good, thumbs up!

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